Sunday, January 25, 2015

Electric Palette Pictorial

This was my first time doing a tutorial, so I apologize that it's not very good. I did this look because I bought the electric palette a while ago and have only used it once. I just haven't been completely happy with it. When I did this look (and the look the first time I used the palette) I had the same problem... it just wouldn't blend well. I apologize that the blending in this sucks. I tried for about 30 minutes before I gave up.

1.) I placed tape along the outside of my eye to help me get that sharp edge. Then I used gonzo to define my crease. I started with a light amount to get the general shape and then I slowly added more color to enhance it.
2.) I applied about 3 layers of thrash all over the lid, except for the inner corner. I blended it into a little it of gonzo to get that deeper green color in the crease and outter v.
3.) I patted jilted in the inner corner and blended it (as well as I could) in to thrash.
4.) I put savage and urban along my lower lash line and followed that with my eyeliner and mascara. 
5.) I applied My Beauty Addiction slim tube in violet riot on my lips, then patted their diamond dust on top.

I removed the tape and voila! 

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. I know it's not the best, but hey, practice makes perfect!

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