Sunday, January 25, 2015

Zoya Nail Polish in Brigette, Pepper, Louise, Cynthis, and Dream

I bought some Zoya polishes from a friend in a makeup group last week. I've only tried Zoya once and wanted to try them again without paying full price. The colors I bought were: Brigette (a pink hued nude), Pepper (a burgundy), Louise (an almost black brown) Cynthia (a super dark teal, and Dream (a blue with glitter).

Let's start with Brigette.
This is the photo on the Zoya website. When I saw this color, I liked that it is a nude, but it still has some color to it, so it's not a plain skin tone color, if that makes sense. 

This is how it looks in the bottle (with my terrible flash). When I looked at the bottle in person compared to the bottle on the site, I was pleasantly surprised. I usually don't get nail polish online because it tends to look different in person than on the model. 

This is 2 coats quickly applied with no top coat. It really does look like they show it on the website. 

My overall opinion of Brigette is that this is definitely a good nude to have if you don't want a color that looks like all other nudes. It's a very pretty nude pink and must have if you're looking for a year round color.

Next is Pepper. I must say, Pepper is one of my favorites from this lot. 

I think if I had applied a third coat and a top coat, it would have looked as dark as it does on the site. That being said, I still love this color! It is a GORGEOUS burgundy/brownish red color. It is a gorgeous fall or winter color, my camera honestly doesn't do it justice! I feel like this is a definite must have in any nail polish collection!

Up next, Louise. I have mixed feeling about this color. It does look true to color in person (again, stupid flash!!) but at the same time, I don't like it as much as I do in that picture. Maybe it's because I had no top coat on (I'll try that next), but I don't know if I'd really ever wear this. I'd probably use it in the winter as an accent nail with Pepper, but I don't know if I could do a full manicure of just Louise. If you like dark browns, it's a gorgeous color and I'm sure you would love it. I'm on the fence about this though...

Zoya's site didn't have a manicure image of Cynthia, so there was no true comparison. Cynthia looks black at first, but the more you look at it in the light and at different angles, you can see the hints of teal in it. I personally wish you could see the teal in this more. I have plenty of black polishes so if I had wanted another one, I would have ordered it. I think that it's an okay color if you want a dark manicure but not black, but I just don't feel like it's worth the $9 to buy a dark teal just to not be able to tell it's teal. I'm glad I didn't pay full price for this one.

Lastly, dream!

I was super hesitant to buy this because, c'mon, who doesn't hate the fight to take off glittery nail polishes? I know everyone has been there- the cotton ball sticking to the leftover glitter on your nail, the color staining your nail and skin, and then after 30 minutes of scrubbing, you give up and still have glitter there. When I saw this color though, I fell in love with it and decided to take the leap and try it. Oh. My. God! It is soooo smooth!!! When you run your finger over it, you can't even feel the slightest amount of glitter in it. It feels just like the other 4 polishes I have. Not to mention it looks just like it does on the site. I wish you could see the glitter better in my picture because it is gorgeous!!! I can't believe how amazing this polish is. 

Now for the big question.... how do they wear? I've had these polishes on for about 48 hours now. Usually by now, my polish is chipped to the point it looks like I've been gardening all day. The pictures posted above were taken today!!! The wear on these things is amazing!!! Hardly any chipping after 48 hours and they feel so smooth. I definitely recommend Zoya as a company. There is no denying their products are worth the money. All in all, I'm very happy with this purchase. I placed 2 orders during their New You New Hue sale, so I will have a review on those colors once they arrive. 

If you have any questions or comments, or if you'd like to see a review of a particular product, let me know!!!!

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